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2023Green & Agritech Asia

08.30(수) ~ 09.01(금)



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2023Green & Agritech Asia

08.30(수) ~ 09.01(금)




혁신적 스마트농업 마켓플레이스, Green & Agritech Asia


Cofarm Co., Ltd
CEO Keerati Panyapitisop
Category 스마트팜(SmartFarm) - 스마트팜(AI/IOT솔루션), 스마트팜(ICT/자동화서비스), 스마트팜(농업용드론), 스마트팜(식물공장)
농업기술(Agricultural technology) - 농업기술(농기계), 농업기술(농작물 보호)
농업기술(Agricultural technology) - 농업기술(농기구), 농업기술(온실건설/장비), 농업기술(원예용), 농업기술(병충해 방지)
교육·문화·정책(Education· culture· policy) - 교육·문화·정책(귀농귀촌), 교육·문화·정책(도농연계프로그램), 교육·문화·정책(농업 취·창업컨설팅), 교육·문화·정책(도시농업), 교육·문화·정책(치유농업)
친환경탄소중립(Eco-friendly Carbon neutrality) - 친환경탄소중립(태양광발전시스템)
brochure 회사소개서 (다운로드)
Website http://cofarm.la
Company introduction Cofarm is a pioneering agri-tech company revolutionizing urban farming with a data-driven approach. Our mission is to enhance food security and sustainability by empowering local communities to produce fresh, high-quality vegetables year-round. Through hydroponics, we cultivate crops in controlled environments, reducing water usage and minimizing environmental impact. Our unique franchise model enables individuals to become urban farmers, fostering a network of fresh produce suppliers. Leveraging advanced analytics, we optimize crop planning, ensuring demand-driven production. Cofarm's commitment to quality, sustainability, and technology positions us at the forefront of the agri-tech sector. With a successful track record and a vision for scalable growth, we're dedicated to reshaping the future of agriculture.

+ Key Product:
- Hydroponically Grown Fresh Vegetables: Cofarm specializes in cultivating a variety of fresh vegetables using hydroponic systems, ensuring year-round supply, reduced water consumption, and enhanced nutrient content.